I know, I have been gone for quite some time, it's been a while since I blogged. I have been so busy and been going through some changes. Not permanent changes of course. Right now I am deployed and away from my hubby and my baby boy. I miss them so much. Due to my job and security reasons I can't really talk about what I am doing and where I am at well I'm in Kuwait but that is as far as I can go without getting into any trouble. I should be going back home sometime next year, again due to the security I can't really say when. I just miss home so much, but I miss my boys more. I hate being over here due to the fact that I can't dress like a girl. I am stuck to wearing just uniform 24/7, and that got boring the second week I hit boots on ground. None the less though I have been keeping up with the latest trends, and the beauty community. It's going to be a long year but well actually, we are somewhat close to going over the hump you know the 6 month mark. My son turned 1 year in September, he walks now and although I am away from him he still can recognize his mommy’s voice when I call home. That's so great, a lot of people would think he would forget and our bond would not be as strong like it would be with a mother that is with her son 24/7, but I beg to differ about that. A mothers bond with her son is stronger than what most people think, and I send videos to my son reading him a book, my husband tells me that as soon as he sees me on TV I have his attention the whole time until it's over. That makes me so happy, that our bond is still the same as it was before I left. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and that I have experienced. Well, that's pretty much it for me right now; there is not much to say about my life right now. No interesting things happening, but just wanted to update you girls about why I have been MIA. Hope you all have a great turkey day and a good black Friday.