This is one of the collections that I am actually really excited about, besides the Mac To the beach collection of course. This collection is set to be released 22 April 2010 but of course it gets released earlier online, which is where I shop for my Mac products since well of course you guys know I am in Germany. This has everything I love, which is peachy neutral colors, and let me tell you guys, I already have a list on the things I want, but I'll be honest I don't know if I will be getting half the stuff I want because I am trying to save up for our family trip later on this year around the holiday season going back to the states to visit family and also my son's 1st birthday. But anyways, this collections..is LOVELY...lol, just thought I would mention that again, ok let me be serious, this collection consist of Chromagraphic Pencil in two colors NW 20 and NC 30, they are limited edition on counters but they are permanent on MAC Pro, which by the way I wish I had a Pro Card. It also has Brow Pencils not interested in that Studio Fix Lash, Blush in Instant Chic and Garb both Limited edition colors. A mineralize blush in Light over Dark, Paint pot in Coral Crepe ( so excited about his baby) and Groundwork which is a permanent color oh by the way the Mineralize Blush is a repromote. Ok now to my favorite the lipsticks; Archetype (repromote), Dressmaker (limited edition), Made to Order (limited edition) and Kraft (limited edition), i am just interested in Archetype. It also has lipglasses which I don't care for those I find myslef not wearing lipgloss anymore, also eyeshadows: Tissue Weight ( limited edition), Bamboo (permanent), Cut to Fit (limited edition), Gazette Grey (limited edition), and Memorabilia (repromote), AND of course Nail Lacquers which you guys already know I am not a fan of...Brown Bag (limited edition), and Originality (limited edition). So there you have it, here are some pictures fo you guys

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